Kerry was given a gift voucher for a portrait session with us. The day started out beautiful, then a storm came over. Overcast days are the best for lighting so we kept going. It poured. We drank cappucinos while we waited to see what the weather would do. It poured. There was a small break when it was just light rain so we moved quickly. This shot was taken as the umbrella blew inside out.

Liam was a very cool dude and managed to control the umbrella that was threatening to drag him off into the wild. You wouldn't know from his face here that he was having so much trouble.
We finally lose the umbrella but we don't lose Liam and he doesn't lose his cool. What a champion.
LOVE this series. The grain in the top one is wonderful and adds so much to the action in the photo. The drama in the sky is killer but the best is that umbrella! LOVE IT.
Rob, your images are amazing!
After seeing you on the Wedding Masters DVD's I'm hoping to take photography further.
Michael (Akl,NZ)
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